Scholarships are a great way to fund your college education without having to go deep into debt that will follow you for years to come. After all, scholarships are free money that you can use for college that you don’t have to pay back. What’s better than that?
Not surprising, scholarships are very competitive and can be difficult to win. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to improve your chances of winning – things that are easier to do than maintain a 4.0 GPA. Here are a few ways you can improve your chances for winning scholarships:
Follow the Rules
simplest thing you can do to improve your chances of winning a
scholarship is to follow the rules for the application. If you must
apply online, don’t send in a paper application. If you must send
transcripts in a sealed envelope, don’t have them sent to you first and
then put them in a new envelope.
These are just a few examples
that might apply. Make sure you read the rules for application
thoroughly, and then follow them to the letter. Don’t be disqualified
for failing to follow simple directions.
Meet Deadlines
matter how amazing your application is, if you don’t get it in on time,
you won’t get the scholarship. Don’t think that you’ll be OK if you’re
only a day or two late. If you are even one day past the deadline, your
application will be disqualified. And don’t think that you can claim
that “it’s in the mail either” – most committees will look at your
postmark or the date and time on your e-mail or online submission.
just meet your deadline. To be on the safe side, send in your
application far ahead of the deadline to give yourself a cushion for any
delays. Often, the earlier you send in your materials, the earlier your
application will be reviewed and the more preference you may receive.
Get Great Letters of Recommendation
scholarship applications ask for a letter of recommendation. Even if a
letter of recommendation is not required, if you are allowed to submit
one, you should. Letters of recommendation can tell a scholarship
committee about your talents and strengths in a way that you can’t tell
Take the time to get the best letters of
recommendation you can, asking those you know will heartily endorse you
and those who are in positions of high esteem. Submit as many letters of
recommendation as you are allowed to submit.
Write a Compelling Essay
are more than your GPA and test scores. A personal essay can fill in
the gaps and tell the scholarship committee more about who you are and
why you are so deserving of a scholarship.
Write the most
compelling essay you can, sharing a significant personal or academic
experience that highlights the kind of person or student you are or how
the scholarship and a college education will make a difference for your
Supplement Your Application
scholarships will allow you to send in supplemental materials for your
application, which can tell the committee more about you and your
strengths as a student and a leader. If you are allowed to provide
additional information, do so.
Some examples of supplemental
materials that you may want to add to your application include personal
essays, creative samples such as art work or fiction, work samples, or
volunteer materials.
Of course, the best way to improve your
chances of winning a scholarship is to be the best student you can be
and to be involved in a number of leadership and extracurricular
activities. However, these are simple steps you can take to improve your
chances regardless of how strong your academic or social record is.
What did you do to strengthen your scholarship application? Share your tips for other students in the comments!
Guest Author Bio:
Green is a mom, freelance writer, pet lover and the resident blogger
for, a free informational website offering tips
and advice about online rn degrees.
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